Board Meeting Information

1. What is on the agenda?

School Board meetings operate under the Robert’s Rules of Order. Copies of the agenda are available at the meeting for your review. Standard agenda items include the chair’s call to order and Pledge of Allegiance. Other items include: Agenda changes or additions, approval of the consent agenda, public participation (see Number 2 below), Good Things Happening, various reports and discussion or action on agenda items.

2. Can a community member participate in the meeting?

Public comments and requests are allowed at the board meeting under the Public Participation section of the agenda. Comments from the public are not permitted during any other time during the meeting. To address the school board, fill out a Participation Card and give it to the board chair before the start of the meeting. The board chair will call on you at the appropriate time. The school board reserves the right to limit discussion time, and may request one person serve as the spokesperson when a group is making a presentation. People speaking are asked to state their name for the record. The board’s role is to listen to your concerns and will not necessarily take action on the issue at the meeting.

Personal attacks by anyone addressing the school board are unacceptable. Persistence in such remarks by an individual shall terminate that person’s privilege to address the school board. The school board shall promptly rule out of order any discussion by any person that would violate the provisions of state or federal law or the statutory rights of privacy of an individual.

3. How should complaints be handled?

Ideally, issues or complaints should first be directed to the staff member most directly involved. If not satisfied, continue to seek help through the building principal, supervisor, or finally, the superintendent. The board will address complaints if no solution has been reached through these channels first.