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ASE Program

Moose Lake Schools Kids Plus Program Mission Statement

"To provide a safe, nurturing, high-quality extended learning environment for children in ISD 97 by inspiring and motivating them through academic, artistic, cultural, social and community involvement activities with the help of dedicated community volunteer mentors and friends."

What is the KIDS PLUS After-School Enrichment Program?
The Moose Lake Schools KIDS PLUS After-School Enrichment Program provides a variety of opportunities for the kids of ISD #97 in a safe, supervised environment during out of school hours. It is intended to extend learning outside of the regular school day by inspiring and motivating students with a combination of academic, artistic, cultural, social, and recreational activities.

ChildWho is it for?
The ASE Program is for 2rd through 6th graders who enjoy learning new things outside of the classroom with their friends from school and the volunteer community mentors within the program.

When is it?
The ASE Program is made-up of (5) 5-week sessions per school year. Programming is on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:20-5:30 p.m..

Daily Schedule:
            3:20-3:30 p.m. Meet in Gym Hallway
            3:30-4 p.m. Free Play 
            4-5 p.m. Enrichment Classes
            5-5:30 p.m. Quiet Study Time/Parent pickup

What are Enrichment Activities?
Enrichment activities are unique learning experiences for both KIDS PLUS Kids and Friends of KIDS PLUS Volunteer community mentors. Mentors share their life-long artistic, cultural, social, and recreational skills and talents with students. ASE activities range from photography, knitting, nature, painting, and theatre, to woodworking, athletics, scrap booking, cooking, sewing, drama, and technology.

Things to Remember:
     KIDS Plus is not a day care.  
     Unsatisfactory behavior can not be tolerated.  
     The program has a lot of age and interest diversity.  Expectance is requested.
     Some classes have age or other requirements.  Please read the catalog.
     5-5:30 is quiet study time.  Please encourage your child to bring homework or reading materials.
     If picking your child up early, try to quietly exit the KIDS Plus room so as not to disturb the children.